JUMP TOQase.io TestOps API v1Introduction to the Qase APIattachmentsGet all attachmentsgetUpload attachmentpostGet attachment by HashgetRemove attachment by HashdeleteauthorsGet all authorsgetGet a specific authorgetcasesGet all test casesgetCreate a new test casepostGet a specific test casegetDelete test casedeleteUpdate test casepatchCreate test cases in bulkpostAttach the external issues to the test casespostDetach the external issues from the test casespostcustom-fieldsGet all Custom FieldsgetCreate new Custom FieldpostGet Custom Field by idgetDelete Custom Field by iddeleteUpdate Custom Field by idpatchenvironmentsGet all environmentsgetCreate a new environmentpostGet a specific environmentgetDelete environmentdeleteUpdate environmentpatchdefectsGet all defectsgetCreate a new defectpostGet a specific defectgetDelete defectdeleteUpdate defectpatchResolve a specific defectpatchUpdate a specific defect statuspatchplansGet all plansgetCreate a new planpostGet a specific plangetDelete plandeleteUpdate planpatchprojectsGet All ProjectsgetCreate new projectpostGet Project by codegetDelete Project by codedeleteGrant access to project by codepostRevoke access to project by codedeleteresultsGet all test run resultsgetCreate test run resultpostGet test run result by codegetBulk create test run resultpostUpdate test run resultpatchDelete test run resultdeletemilestonesGet all milestonesgetCreate a new milestonepostGet a specific milestonegetDelete milestonedeleteUpdate milestonepatchrunsGet all runsgetCreate a new runpostGet a specific rungetDelete rundeleteUpdate publicity of a specific runpatchComplete a specific runpostsearchSearch entities by Qase Query Language (QQL)getshared-stepsGet all shared stepsgetCreate a new shared steppostGet a specific shared stepgetDelete shared stepdeleteUpdate shared steppatchsuitesGet all test suitesgetCreate a new test suitepostGet a specific test suitegetDelete test suitedeleteUpdate test suitepatchsystem-fieldsGet all System FieldsgetconfigurationsGet all configuration groups with configurations.getCreate a new configuration in a particular group.postCreate a new configuration group.postDelete milestonedelete https://api.qase.io/v1/milestone/{code}/{id}This method completely deletes a milestone from repository.